crmer spina shaugnessy, jansen siegert, llc

Professional Liability

Representative Cases
Case Studies
Cremer Spina’s Professional Liability Group has extensive experience in defending numerous types of professionals including attorneys, insurance brokers and agents, architects, engineers, accountants, financial planners, directors and officers. We have a particular specialization in the defense of legal malpractice cases, and have defended many types of attorneys ranging from solo practitioners to large law firms. Our law firm clients include attorneys from a variety of practice areas including personal injury, corporate, family law and real estate.

The members of the Professional Liability group are adept at handling the unique challenges of representing individuals and entities sued in their professional capacity. Our success in the defense of legal malpractice cases has resulted in multiple law firms requesting that Cremer Spina represent them in subsequent legal malpractice litigation.

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Chicago, Illinois 60606
ph: 312.726.3800   fax: 312.726.3818